The axiological dimension of cinema: the representation of social and civic values in Colombian cinema in the new century
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valores sociales y ciudadanos
cine colombiano
estética representation
social and civic values
Colombian film

How to Cite

García Gil, M. E. (2022). The axiological dimension of cinema: the representation of social and civic values in Colombian cinema in the new century. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 917–928.
  • Abstract 71
  • PDF (Español (España)) 24


This paper includes conceptual and methodological aspects of the research Representations of the social and civic values in the cinematographical colombian production (2003-2009). A contribution for the formation of critic audiences, by teachers of the Faculty of Social Communication for Peace at St. Thomas University in Bogota, Colombia, with the support of the Fund for Development Research, FODEIN, the same University. The main purpose of this research was aimed to problematize the concept of representation and the axiological dimension in relation to art forms, in this case the motion picture film. Keywords: representation, social and civic values, Colombian film, eth
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Copyright (c) 2012 Mónica Eliana García Gil


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