Mediatised reality: the reality show
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How to Cite

Perales Bazo, F. (2022). Mediatised reality: the reality show. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(9), 120–131.
  • Abstract 1554
  • PDF (Español (España)) 1183


The impact of reality TV in the audience has helped researchers interested in studying gender and establish their influence on the viewers. Following a survey carried out to college students, Kristin M. Barton established the correlation between different TV shows that fit the format. Its presence has been imposed in such a way that has become a landmark in television programming, one of the instruments used in war hearings. This paper seeks to answer on certain questions arising from the analysis of programs that fit the format and the profile of a sector faithful viewers. Where reality ends and where fiction begins? Do reality shows have influenced the teenager cultural and emotional formation? What are the key values to participate as contestants?
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