Widespread aural intelligibility in broadcast communication
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Inteligibilidad auditiva múltiple
postproducción audio
comunicación audiovisual Multi audible intelligibility
audio postproduction
audiovisual communication

How to Cite

Torres Simón, F. J. (2022). Widespread aural intelligibility in broadcast communication. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(5), 437–448. https://doi.org/10.12795/comunicacion.2007.v01.i05.13
  • Abstract 133
  • PDF (Español (España)) 42


The ear is the sense responsible to catch, synthesize and transmit the sound waves to the brain, than interpret the content of the received acoustic mass. Although responsible of the 50% of the cerebral activity, the ear cannot recognize several simultaneous messages. In this investigation I show an edition system that, thanks to processes of audio postproduction based in polyphonic music concepts, make possible to the sense responsible of the acoustic perception can recognize different messages with clarity.

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Artículos de revistas científicas:

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Copyright (c) 2007 Francisco Javier Torres Simón


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