The last century as experience a boom of visibility triggered by the increasing image production. We have, thus, begun to share our space and lifetime with them, granting them the status of human beings. Its inteligence and independency are surprising and it can lately be said that they also own a will of its own, fot they know exactly what they want to obtain from other images and us, three dimensional beings, made of flesh and bones. The device of appropiating someone elses strengths was what Brazilian Avant-Garde of last century's twenties called Anthropophagy. It actually consists of a device that differentiates into four distinct operations with images and bodies: a) Bodies that devouir images; b) images that devouir images; c) bodies that devouir images and d) images that devouir bodies. Thus, an iconophagy, apart from na anthropophagy, it is also constituted.
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