Painting through the eye of a camera
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Dirección de Arte
Efectos Especiales
Trucos cinematográficos Art Direction
Set design
Special Effects
Cinema touching up

How to Cite

Rodriguez Cunill, I. (2022). Painting through the eye of a camera. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(2), 51–65.
  • Abstract 71
  • PDF (Español (España)) 21


Every pictorial activity requires an intellectual process, but when this activity is part of the mechanism of the cinema production, the artist should play with more elements than those entailed when facing the canvas. He should have not only gone into the laws of perspective, but he should have a mediological knowledge of the camera, of the device itself, and an application of these skills according to the final shot, not to a work ready to be shown. This statement applies both to the pictorial techniques used in the early cinema and the present digital innovations.
PDF (Español (España))


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