Towards a ‘new discourse’ on the visual: digital images applied to journalism
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imagen analógica
imagen digital
compaginación gráfica
manipulación digital analogical image
digital image
graphic composition
digital manipulation

How to Cite

Franco Álvarez, G. (2022). Towards a ‘new discourse’ on the visual: digital images applied to journalism. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(2), 29–39.
  • Abstract 79
  • PDF (Español (España)) 42


The paronama which we want to reflect in this article is that that intimately affects to that symbiosis between means and the image. But not the one that gathers all ample range of the process of production of mass media. But, specifically those that related to the treatment of the image, and its new surroundings, the digitalis. In this panoramic one we will try to be centered in the historial slope of the moment of appearance of the image in scene and the elements that have influenced and caused that the traditional chemicals processing of the photography advances towards another technology, the digitalis, and the manipulation effects that at the moment are integrated in this process.
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Copyright (c) 2003 Guillermina Franco Álvarez


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