Mythical Knowledge in Artistic Education Through the Interrelation of the Arts. An Example Aplied to Music: the Myth of the Huge Storm




Educación artística, Interrelación de las artes, Saberes Míticos, Música, Mito de la tormenta


The artistic educations are in the current societies a privileged field for the aesthetic experimentation. From this thesis, the main aim of the article is to base the idea that the artistic education has to be first of all a research of alternative forms of representation that actuate in the students the motivation. It proposes then the classical dialectics like pedagogical method for demonstrate the interrelationship among the arts and show that the artistic educations are a real road of humanistic formation. In this sense, the utilization of the mythical thought procures a road of expression of universal knowledges that allows the reflection and at the same time a put to the day of the values that comport, what facilitates his understanding. Like example of this method in this article develops a case of interrelationship of the arts with leadership of the music through the ancestral myth of the big storm.


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How to Cite

Blázquez Izquierdo, C. . (2024). Mythical Knowledge in Artistic Education Through the Interrelation of the Arts. An Example Aplied to Music: the Myth of the Huge Storm. VAINART_ Valores E Interrelación En Las Artes, (6), 6–38.



Received 2024-08-30
Accepted 2024-12-12
Published 2024-12-16
  • Abstract 9
  • PDF (Español (España)) 13