Unveiling the unreported: ai-based event extraction for analyzing the american representation of hate crimes





Hate crimes, Official reports, Statistical approximations, Event extraction, Multi-instance learning, Artificial intelligence (AI)


Official reports of hate crimes in the United States are underestimated compared to the actual number of such incidents. Additionally, despite statistical approximations, many American cities lack official reports on hate incidents. Here, we initially demonstrate that event extraction and multi-instance learning, based on artificial intelligence (AI), applied to a set of local news articles, can predict hate crime cases. We then use the AI-trained model to detect hate incidents in cities for which the FBI lacks Official reports of hate crimes in the United States are underestimated compared to the actual number of such incidents. Additionally, despite statistical approximations, many American cities lack official reports on  hate incidents. Here, we initially demonstrate that event extraction and multi-instance learning, based on artificial intelligence (AI), applied to a set of local news articles, can predict hate crime cases. We then use the AI-trained model to detect hate incidents in cities for which the FBI lacks


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How to Cite

Suárez Alonso, D. (2024). Unveiling the unreported: ai-based event extraction for analyzing the american representation of hate crimes. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 10(1), 169–181. https://doi.org/10.12795/IESTSCIENTIA.2024.i01.08
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