Children and Young People as Climate Litigants Before the European Court of Human Rights: the Duarte Agostinho Case




Climate litigation, Human rights, Children rights, Climate justice, European Court of Human Rights


Strategic human rights-based climate litigation is becoming a widely used tool to hold states to meet their climate commitments. Likewise, a good number of these cases are led by children or young people who have filed the corresponding climate demands both before national jurisdictions and before international bodies. One of them is the Duarte Agostinho case, in which six Portuguese children and young people have sued 33 States before the European Court of Human Rights. This article examines the arguments raised by the Duarte Agostinho case in relation to the respect and protection of human rights and climate change and its potential for achieving climate justice.


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How to Cite

García Martín, L. (2024). Children and Young People as Climate Litigants Before the European Court of Human Rights: the Duarte Agostinho Case. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 32–51.
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