Artificial intelligence: When algorithms become neurons




Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, eHealth, Liability, Soft Law


In recent years, the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA) has led to very significant changes in different areas of human life. Medicine is one of those sectors where these changes have had the greatest impact. The purpose of this paper is the analysis of tools based on eHealth and neurorobotics that can reduce the human workload and contribute to a better management of public health, considering certain ethical-legal problems that must be taken into consideration. In this sense, a study is carried out on the issue of liability in case of damages caused by the use of IA systems through certain soft law tools, carried out by the European legislator. In this regard, the new Proposal for Directive COM (2022) 496 final of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adaptation of non-contractual civil liability rules to IA (AI-Liability Directive) is analyzed, considering that it can lead to very significant innovations.


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Author Biography

Alessandra Esther Castagnedi Ramirez, Sevilla University

PhD Candidate - Faculty of Law


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How to Cite

Castagnedi Ramirez, A. E. (2022). Artificial intelligence: When algorithms become neurons. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 8(2), 136–145.
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