Equal access to medically assisted reproduction techniques: legislative gaps and gestation by surrogation
Equality, Filiation, Surrogacy, Procreational will, Right to reproductionAbstract
Assisted reproduction techniques have paved the way for new forms of family and the availability of filiation. If our LTRHA 2006 has managed to facilitate reproduction for different sexual orientations and has made it possible to determine filiation outside of nature (art. 7.3 and 8.3 LTRHA 2006), it should be considered whether there is really an excuse, based on the impossibility
of respecting the fundamental rights of those involved in a gestation by solidary substitution, to currently maintain its nullity and protect in our Law only two types of filiation, by nature and adoptive (art. 108 CC) or if possible, if admitted gestation by others of an altruistic nature, including a filiation based on the procreational will, facilitating access for all, men and women, in full equality, to the reproduction techniques developed by advances in medicine.
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