Erosion of the rights of patients by primary care health centers due to the pandemic




Medical care, Patients, Rights, Health centers, Management


The global pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has revealed a problem that, despite having an administrative or management nature, caused during and after it, a serious erosion of the right to protection of the health of patients. The confusing situations in which they were immersed during confinement have given way to a post-Covid-19 situation, which, in a much more transparent way, has had an impact on a decrease in the health rights of people who, needing primary care, have gone to their Health Centers. A loss of rights that is still to be resolved.


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Author Biography

Patricia Craviotto Valle, University of Seville- Faculty of Law

Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) in the Department of Private Civil and International Law of the Faculty of Law (University of Seville).


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How to Cite

Craviotto Valle, P. . (2022). Erosion of the rights of patients by primary care health centers due to the pandemic. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 8(2), 80–86.
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