A preliminary approach to the use of artificial intelligence as a support for the legislative process





Artificial Intelligence, Parliament, Rationality, Legislation, Legislative Control, Legislative Rationality.


This study contains some preliminary comments on the possibility of applying Artificial Intelligence to processes such as the production of rules within the Spanish Parliament. To this end, certain issues of a legal-philosophical nature are addressed, such as the rationality of the legislative process or political law. A factual basis is also provided through statistics on the different types of legislative initiatives and their chances of success.

The critique is that the proper use of databases can provide contextual or referential reports that facilitate the control and monitoring of parliamentary activity. The use of such systems could not only be a source of legal support, but also of professional evaluation of parliamentary representatives. It is a tool with a high potential to redirect the flow of Spanish politics towards more efficient channels.


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How to Cite

Malo Peces, N. (2021). A preliminary approach to the use of artificial intelligence as a support for the legislative process. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 7(2), 117–136. https://doi.org/10.12795/IETSCIENTIA.2021.i02.08
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