Intellectual property rights on computer programs according to european union legislation




Computer programs, European Union, Legal protection, Directives, Jurisprudence


This study focuses on the issue, if protection provided for computer programs in European legislation and jurisprudence, circumscribed to the field of a specified intellectual property, is sufficient, or if on the contrary they should be reinforced by means of patent rights specific to the industrial. The solution finally chosen, after a doubtful sequence, would be that of a specific intellectual property right, with certain tints or influences that some want to see coming from patent law. It is a regulation that, leaving many application gaps in terms of its practice and use to resolve legal disputes, is promptly assisted by the informing jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice at the request of national jurisdictions. This article analyzes the most significant pronouncements made from recent times to the present.


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Author Biography

Enrique Manuel Puerta Domínguez, C.E.U. Saint Paul Cardinal Spínola

Adjunct Professor of Public, Private and EU International Law


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How to Cite

Puerta Domínguez, E. M. (2021). Intellectual property rights on computer programs according to european union legislation. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 7(2), 148–169.
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