The fourth age. Law and elderly


  • Mª Ángeles Palacios García Antonio Nebrija University



Elder abuse, Fragility, Domestic abuse, Age of aging, The fourth age


At a family you learn by the hard way. A deaf learning process that starts at early age and that pivots around the acceptance of the use of violence as a way of resolving conflicts or imposing the will of the individual against the rest of the members of the family unit. Victims of violence in their childhood learn this pattern of behavior get used to it, normalize it, and when the time comes, they reproduce it, switching from victims to executioners, in a cycle of infinite violence.

Older people represent a fragile and vulnerable collective for physical and psychological abuses, they are victims who cannot or do not want to defend themselves, thus protecting those who, out of love or fear, do not dare to betray.

The violence is an element of power, to dominate the victim who is now older and as fragile and vulnerable as a child, who is poorly treated and humiliated in the domestic environment, by the hands of those who were once cared for and protected by or by those who assume a personal or professional obligation to do so. The study of criminal and constitutional protection and the proposal for an old regulation is the objective of this article.




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Author Biography

Mª Ángeles Palacios García, Antonio Nebrija University

College professor



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How to Cite

Palacios García, M. Ángeles. (2021). The fourth age. Law and elderly. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 7(2), 137–147.
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