Legal challenges for robots and autonomous artificial intelligence systems in the healthcare context with special reference to Covid-19 health crisis




Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare robot, COVID-19 health crisis, Health Law


It is no longer far from reality that machines will not only help, but in many cases replace humans in their roles as caregivers, healthcare professionals, doctors and specialists, as well as in the decision-making process in the healthcare sector. Indeed, the field of health and care is an undisputed arena for the spread of robotic innovation. Artificial Intelligence has changed the architecture of the world, and this extends to the world of healthcare. This status quo will generate - or rather is already generating, given that robotics is not the future, but is already a reality - a series of multiple and multidisciplinary novel issues for health law and policy. This paper focuses on exploring the main legal considerations that arise, highlighting the need for various reforms of legal doctrine and regulatory structures. Given that


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Author Biography

Elena Atienza Macías, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Law Faculty.

Juan de la Cierva” Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
at the Chair in Law and the Human Genome Research Group


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How to Cite

Atienza Macías, E. (2021). Legal challenges for robots and autonomous artificial intelligence systems in the healthcare context with special reference to Covid-19 health crisis. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 7(1), 119–134.
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