Risk assessment as a fundamental criterion for extensive interpretation in determining the suitability of telework


  • Juan Francisco Rodríguez Ayuso Universidad Internacional de La Rioja




This study offers an exhaustive analysis of new developments which, from an eminently technical perspective, brings with it the entry into force of Royal Decree Law 28/2020, of 22 September, on distance working. More specifically, it sets out those measures which, in favour of the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information, must be implemented by companies in order to guarantee the adequate protection of the data processed by employees who, exceptionally or regularly, have to carry out their tasks outside the installations of the organization to which they belong in the form of teleworking.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ayuso, J. F. (2020). Risk assessment as a fundamental criterion for extensive interpretation in determining the suitability of telework. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 6(2), 42–53. https://doi.org/10.12795/IETSCIENTIA.2020.i02.04
  • Abstract 184
  • pdf (Español (España)) 101