The legal regime of resignation: conflicting issues


  • Juan Pedrosa González Associate Professor of Labour and Social Security LawUniversity of Seville



ordinary resignation, provoked resignation, termination of contract, compensation


The legal institution of resignation as a cause for termination of the employment contract, at the will of the employee, is analyzed from the perspective of analyzing some of the conflictual or litigious situations that its regulation produces in practice. For these purposes, a distinction is made between ordinary resignation (art. 49 WS), and causal or provoked resignation, which requires following a judicial procedure and proving serious non-compliance by the company of any of its obligations inherent to the employment relationship, and entails compensation if judicially upheld (art. 50 WS).

The numerous judicial claims on the various aspects of resignation lead to the claim that the regulation of both types of resignations requires a legal renewal or reform. Not only because its wording remains almost identical since the Spanish Workers’ Statute of 1980, but because in the current context of the labour market and employment, such texts do not respond to the new dimension of resignation, or termination of the contract at the will of the worker, or to the necessary balance of the interests of the parties to the employment contract. In addition, the need arises to legally recognise the enforceability of termination due to causal resignation, and to recognise compensation for the loss of work caused by non-compliance with company obligations, or infringement of rights.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa González, J. (2024). The legal regime of resignation: conflicting issues. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, (9), 95–124.



Artículos doctrinales
Received 2024-11-15
Accepted 2024-12-19
Published 2024-12-27