Is dismissal in situation of temporary disability sufficient indication of discrimination due to illness?


  • Raquel Aguilera Izquierdo Complutense University of Madrid



illness, dismissal, temporary disability, nullity, discrimination, signs of discrimination


The inclusion of illness as a cause of discrimination in Law 15/2022, of July 12, comprehensive for equal treatment and non-discrimination, has reopened the debate on the qualification of dismissal in cases of temporary disability. It is about determining, on the one hand, if the disease, without any type of qualification, can be considered a cause of discrimination, that is, if we are really faced with a differentiation that has historically placed a sector of the population in an opposite situation. to the dignity of the person. And, on the other hand, the question arises as to whether, since we are not faced with a case of objective nullity, dismissal in a situation of temporary disability constitutes sufficient evidence of discrimination.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Izquierdo, R. (2024). Is dismissal in situation of temporary disability sufficient indication of discrimination due to illness?. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, (8), 51–70.



Artículos doctrinales
Received 2024-07-04
Accepted 2024-07-18
Published 2024-08-26