On the unborn european regulation of workers’ right to disconnect





Digital disconnection, Labor rights, Remote work, Mental health, Labor legislation, European regulation


The article addresses the growing importance of the right to digital disconnection in the current work environment, especially in the European context. It highlights the need to regulate this practice to protect the mental health of workers, particularly in the context of telecommuting and constant connectivity. Legislative initiatives in Europe that aim to ensure this right are mentioned, along with challenges in its implementation, such as the need to establish clear limits on worker availability. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital disconnection is analyzed, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance between labor flexibility and safeguarding workers’ mental health. In summary, it advocates for measures at the individual, organizational, and national levels to promote a healthy and balanced work environment, recognizing the significance of ensuring the right to digital disconnection in the current labor market.


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How to Cite

Trujillo Pons, F. . (2024). On the unborn european regulation of workers’ right to disconnect. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, (8), 147–166. https://doi.org/10.12795/TPDM.2024.i8.06



Artículos doctrinales
Received 2024-03-28
Accepted 2024-07-12
Published 2024-08-26