Priority care collectives: are they really a priority of our employment policy?




Priority attention groups, Employment policy, discrimination, employability, personalized and individualized attention, job insertion, decent, quality and decent work, training


Nothing is revealed by stating that a large part of unemployed people have, in terms of their insertion and maintenance in employment, enormous difficulties and enormous obstacles that, unfortunately, on too many occasions, respond, almost exclusively, to discriminatory factors. Starting from this reality, the current Employment Law, as its predecessors did, has configured the so-called priority attention groups, whose treatment in this regulation, as well as in other relevant employment policy documents, are analyzed in these pages with the purpose to verify whether a response is given to the needs and requirements of such groups and, at the same time, whether it is homogeneous and sufficient for all of them. This analysis, unfortunately, is not particularly encouraging; hence the question that is incorporated into the title of this work: are they really a priority of our employment policy?


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How to Cite

Morales Ortega, J. M. (2024). Priority care collectives: are they really a priority of our employment policy?. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, 115–151.
Received 2024-01-18
Accepted 2024-02-05
Published 2024-04-01