The law in the face of artificial intelligence. Regarding the provisions of art. 80.5 of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Banking Sector




Artificial intelligence, Algorithm, Industrial relations, Human resources, Industrial relations governance, Transparency, Data protection


The process of implementing artificial intelligence and algorithms in the field of human resources management and labour relations is generating a profound legal debate on issues such as the efficiency of processes and decisions or the degree of human intervention. Also the extent of the information that the employee receives in this process and the risks of discrimination arising from it. In this study, we will address this debate by analysing the scope of Art. 80.5 of the Banking Agreement, which introduces a regulation of the guarantees of business decision-making processes based exclusively on the artificial management of data without human intervention. This regulation could represent an advance in terms of transparency and governance with respect to the scarce and incomplete specific regulation on this matter that currently exists, with a high predominance of softlaw regulations.


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How to Cite

Fernández Villarino, R. (2021). The law in the face of artificial intelligence. Regarding the provisions of art. 80.5 of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Banking Sector. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, (4), 141–163.



Artículos doctrinales
Received 2021-10-17
Accepted 2021-11-12
Published 2021-12-22