The conventional regulation of telework


  • Juan Pedrosa González Sevilla University



Teleworking, Collective agreements, Working conditions, State regulation


This paper attempts to highlight the difficulties for state legislation to regulate remote work, and the possibilities that can be developed for this purpose by the standard of collective bargaining agreement. It highlights some working conditions that cannot be regulated by state legislation, but can be regulated by collective agreements.


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Author Biography

Juan Pedrosa González, Sevilla University

Department of Labor and Social Security Law

Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security of the University of Seville.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa González, J. (2021). The conventional regulation of telework. Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado, (3), 95–113.
Received 2021-06-09
Accepted 2021-07-20
Published 2021-07-28