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Gran rebelión
mujer andina
Micaela Bastidas
Tomasa Tito Condemaita
Antonio de Areche
Cuzco great rebellion
andean woman
Micaela Bastidas
Tomasa Tito Condemaita
Antonio de Areche

How to Cite

O’Phelan Godoy, S. (2023). WHEN THE MOLD WAS BROKEN. STEREOTYPES OF SUBMISSION AND EMPOWERMENT OF ANDEAN WOMEN DURING THE GREAT REBELLION OF 1780-81. Temas Americanistas, (50), 87–108. https://doi.org/10.12795/Temas-Americanistas.2023.i50.06
  • Abstract 270
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 280


The traditional image of Andean women stressed her devotion to her husband, her hard work, kindness, pity and her role as support of the household.  After the great rebellion in 1780-81, there was a turning point in the perception of indian women mainly as a result of the involvement of Micaela Bastidas -wife of Jose Gabriel Túpac Amaru- and Tomasa Tito Condemaita -cacica of Acos- in the insurrection. Their behavior in the war was aknowledged as having male features, argument that was going to be used to condemned both of them to the death penalty. After the great rebellion the perception of Andean women will changed provoking among the Spanish authorities distrust and fear.

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