Architecture and architects in the Spanish National Institute for Industry (INI)




Industrial Heritage, Architecture, Developmentalism, Autarky


Especially in the first thirty-five years, the period corresponding to its autarkic and developmental stages, the National Institute of Industry developed extensive construction activity in accordance with the ambitious industrial programs of both periods. Its promotion was carried out both by the Institute as its own entity, and also independently by the participating companies. In this activity, architecture played a role of increasing importance and recognition, leading to the formation of a group of architects closely linked to the INI who worked within it in differentiated technical offices. This article analyzes the nature of these collaborations while offering a panoramic view of the work they have carried out. However, and due to the often autonomous activity of the group's constituent companies, the overall vision has also been extended to the work carried out by other architects with direct orders from said companies. Due to the large number of business entities included in the INI holding, the complete list of said works and architects is still provisional and can only be included in a larger work. On the other hand, the possible existence of an INI architecture would actually be made up of a wide range of achievements based on a common industrial core, but extended to a varied periphery of topics, which such as housing, administration or services constituted a necessary complement. The ideological character that this architecture could have had, its possible manifestation in what was done and its evolution towards modernity are questions that are reflected on in the final part of the work.


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Author Biography

Rafael García, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Doctor Arquitecto y Profesor Titular de Universidad, es docente en el Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica de la Escuela Téc- nica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Sus campos de investigación preferente, con numerosas publicaciones, son la historia de la construcción moderna, la arquitectura moderna en los Países Bajos y el patrimonio industrial arquitectónico. Es director del Aula de Patrimonio Industrial de la UPM y fundador y director de la revista acadé- mica indexada Cuaderno de Notas editada por el mencionado Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica.


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How to Cite

García, R. (2024). Architecture and architects in the Spanish National Institute for Industry (INI). TEMPORÁNEA. Revista De Historia De La Arquitectura, (5), 144–167.
  • Abstract 73
  • temporanea20240505 (Español (España)) 22