Solar phenomena in Santa Marta de Tera and San Juan de Amandi




Romanesque churches, archaeoastronomy, solar phenomena, light and shadow, solar path


Romanesque churches usually have a canonical orientation to the east, so the path of the sun successively illuminates the east, south and west facades. The interior is usually dark and the lighting gaps are reduced, so the sun's rays illuminate the interior of the temple in a focused manner. Sometimes the ray of light can illuminate a singular element, which is usually called a solar phenomenon.

 Many of these phenomena have been known for a long time and always arouse the amazement of the spectators at the supposed astronomical knowledge of the medieval builders. In this article, the objective conditions that allow distinguishing a deliberate solar phenomenon from a purely casual one will be defined. Solar phenomena will be analysed with currently available calculation tools, but at the same time it will be shown that extremely simple means can also achieve this goal. They are simple techniques known since antiquity and were undoubtedly available to medieval builders.

This study will be particularized for two extremely interesting Spanish Romanesque churches such as Santa Marta de Tera in Zamora and San Juan de Amandi in Asturias. Solar phenomena already known as the «Equinoctial Light» of Tera will be analysed, but other leading lines that cause interesting solar phenomena and that have not been analysed up to now will also be studied.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pérez Valcárcel, Universidade da Coruña

Doctor arquitecto y licenciado en Ciencias Físicas por la Universidad de Sevilla. Catedrático de Estructuras de la Universidad de La Coruña desde 1989. Es Profesor Emérito desde 2021. Es especialista en cálculo de estructuras, con una amplia labor investigadora y profesional. Ha desarrollado una amplia labor como conferenciante y divulgador de temas estructurales, dando cursos en toda España y otros países. Autor de numerosos libros y artículos sobre estructuras, sobre todo de diseño y análisis de estructuras móviles y desplegables y de análisis de edificios históricos, en especial sobre estructuras y orientaciones de la arquitectura medieval.

Victoria Pérez Palmero

Bachelor of Humanities (University of A Coruña, 2008). She has participated in various archaeological excavations and especially in the Archaeological Research Team in the campaign "V Archaeological Campaign of the Syrian - Spanish Expedition" at the Tell Qubr Abu al - Atiq Site (Deir Ezzor, Syria), directed by the Dr. Juan Luis Montero Fenollós in 2009. Since 2010 she has collaborated regularly with Juan Pérez Valcárcel in work on orientations and solar phenomena in medieval churches, on which she has published numerous articles.


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How to Cite

Pérez Valcárcel, J., & Pérez Palmero, V. (2023). Solar phenomena in Santa Marta de Tera and San Juan de Amandi. TEMPORÁNEA. Revista De Historia De La Arquitectura, (4).
  • Abstract 395
  • temporanea_20230401 (Español (España)) 72