The Almanach de Gotha - production, distribution and circulation of a French-language almanac in Europe at the end of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth century




Almanac, Court culture, Francophone culture, Censureship, Materiality of print media, Enlightenment, Popular versus aristocratic cultures


The Almanach de Gotha, published in French in Gotha in Germany between 1764 and 1944 first by the publisher Dieterich and then by the publishers Ettinger and Perthes for almost two centuries, was the reference genealogical almanac for the European aristocracy of the 18th century, the 19th century and first half of the 20th century. The almanac published not only detailed genealogical information, but also a calendar, literary anecdotes and extracts from novels, and multiple information on fashion, literary and theatrical novelties, scientific innovations as well as significant historical events.

Starting from theoretical and methodological reflections, this contribution aims to first highlight the process of manufacturing this almanac, and then its distribution and reception among a fundamentally elitist and transnational public. The case of the censorship of the almanac in 1808 by Napoléon Bonaparte who was very sensitive to the aristocratic and royal genealogies published in the Almanach de Gotha, is also analyzed, certain orientations of which could fundamentally call into question Napoléon’s legitimacy and that of the princes that it he had placed on European thrones, in particular members of his own family. This contribution is linked to a research project, carried out in cooperation with York-Gothart Mix (München), on French-speaking almanacs in the German cultural and linguistic area between 1700-1815. Based on detailed bibliographic research, partly in archives, it essentially concerns the first period of publication of this almanac, that is to say the years 1764 to 1830.


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Almanac de Gotha contenant diverdes connoissances curieuses et utiles pour l’année MDCCLXXXV, Gotha: C.W. Ettinger [1784].

Almanac de Gotha pour l’année MDCCXCI, Gotha: C.W. Ettinger [1791].

Almanac de Gotha pour l’année 1793, Gotha: C.W.Ettinger [1793].

Almanac de Gotha contenant diverses connoissances curieuses et utiles pour l’année LXXXV [1784], Gotha: chez C.W. Ettinger.

Almanac de Gotha pour l’année 1808, Gotha: chez C.G. Ettinger [1807], 54 p. in-12° Kunstbibliothek Berlin (B 11): LIPP ZA 1a.

Almanac historique généalogique pour l’année 1808 Avec figures. Leipsic, [1807]. 112 p. in-12°. Bibl. De l’Arsenal 8°H 28249 (14).

Almanach de Gotha pour l’année 1824. Soixante-unième année, Gotha: chez Justus Perthes [1823].

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Como Citar

Lüsebrink, H.-J. (2024). The Almanach de Gotha - production, distribution and circulation of a French-language almanac in Europe at the end of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth century. Revista Internacional De História Da Comunicação, (23).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2024-09-16
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2024-12-02
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-12-24
  • Resumo 16
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