Evaluation process

RiHC. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación will only accept original contributions. The submitted articles will undergo an anonymous peer evaluation carried out by reviewers selected by the journal's Editorial Board. These reviewers will be reputed experts chosen on the grounds of their knowledge of the topic of the proposed article. The steps in this process will be as follow:

Step 1: The author will submit the original paper through the on-line platform of the journal.

Step 2: The Editorial Board will evaluate the thematic affinity and suitability of the proposed article in relation to the objectives and scope of the journal. The author will be notified with the initial editorial decision.

Step 3: If the initial editorial decision is favourable, the article will be sent to two external reviewers who will return their evaluation within 21 days. In case of disagreement between the two reviewers, the article will be sent to a third reviewer whose decision will be final.

Step 4: The result of the evaluation will be notified to the author, as well as the comments and suggestions (if provided). In the case of a positive evaluation, the author will have 15 days to make the modifications required for the publication of the article.

Step 5: The Editorial Board will check that the issues noted by the reviewers have been addressed and will proceed with the production process of the article for its publication in the journal.

This detailed procedure ensures that the original submission meets all of the qualitative filters that enable the journal to offer high quality content and research, as well as giving authors the opportunity to improve their work with the independent comments of experts in their field.

The completion of the entire review process after submission is estimated to a maximum of 6 months.