Digital Media, Emotions and Telepresence in the Venezuelan Digital Diaspora
Digital diaspora, Telepresence, Emotions, Migration, Mobile deviceAbstract
This study examines the impact of digital media, telepresence and emotions in the Venezuelan diaspora, integrating historical elements and theoretical concepts from various disciplines. Such experiences are mediated through digital devices that mitigate separation and uprooting, transforming cultural uses and practices. In this sense, agency artifacts allow the flow of relationships and emotional interactions at a distance. Transforming relationships of intimacy and affection, reconfiguring the place of virtuality through digital devices, reforming the subjectivities of the migrant in the digital diaspora. In this way the notion of home and the place of origin are digitally mediated, transforming its experience. These studies on emotions in the digital diaspora help us understand digital mediation and its repercussions on social interactions.
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