The history of communication in the Central American academy (1980-2021)
Central America, History, communicationAbstract
This text aims to analyze a sample of academic texts referring to the history of communication in Central America that have been published in book format with editorial support, articles in recognized and indexed journals and in reports from international organizations, and that generated by authors attached to Central American academic institutions from 1980 to 2021. After a tour of the academic work carried out in Central America in the field of communication, the texts that specifically dealt with the history of communication were selected. With these, an assessment of the scientific production regarding the history of communication in the region was made. The purpose of this essay is to answer the following questions: What are the issues that have been studied in the field of communication history in the region in the last four decades? What has been the methodological approach? Given that it is an extremely troubled area, a situation that permeates all fields and particularly academia, how does the context influence the process of building the history of communication? In summary, the main trends in the history of communication in the region are analyzed and finally a thematic agenda is proposed in this matter that shows the fields that still need to be investigated.
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Accepted 2023-04-14
Published 2023-06-29
- Abstract 160
- PDF (Español (España)) 82