The film journalism of Irene Polo (1927-1930). Annotations on unedited work




journalism and gender, Irene Polo, silent film, Gaumont, film press


At a particular point in her youth, Irene Polo worked as press representative for the Gaumont film company. This article proposes to locate the work which she carried out as the advertising voice of the aforementioned industry. Through a systematic tracing of the specialised press between 1927 and 1930, thirteen occurrences have come to light: eight unedited signed articles (1927), one attribution (1927), two direct references to her name (1927 and 1929) and two photographs where she is shown as a working journalist. All of these documents precede the time when Irene Polo had begun her career: May 1930 with the magazine Imatges. She did not begin her career as a journalist at the age of 21, as was thought, but at 18. Nor did she write solely in Catalan as was believed, but also in Castillian Spanish. During the period of her studies, Polo worked for the newspaper El Día Gráfico (1927), for the magazines El Cine (1927 and 1928) and Información Cinematográfica (1929) in as yet non specified intervals of time since. In this field she completed her introduction and apprenticeship. Despite her youth, she made her mark with some very fresh, revitalising work. In this way, the professional biography of one of the most modern and innovative journalists of the Second Republic has been reinstated.

She did not begin her career as a journalist at the age of 21, as was thought, but at 18. Nor did she write solely in Catalan as was believed, but also in Castillian Spanish. During the period of her studies, Polo worked for the newspaper El Día Gráfico (1927), for the magazines El Cine (1927 and 1928) and Información Cinematográfica (1929) in as yet non-specified intervals of time since. In this field she completed her introduction and appren-ticeship. Despite her youth, she made her mark with some very fresh, revitalising work. In this way, the profes-sional biography of one of the most modern and innovative journalists of the Second Republic has been reinstated.


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How to Cite

Salgado-de Dios, F. (2022). The film journalism of Irene Polo (1927-1930). Annotations on unedited work. RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (19), 140–158.
Received 2022-10-27
Accepted 2022-11-25
Published 2022-12-30
  • Abstract 133
  • PDF (Español (España)) 77