History and present os Andalusian women audiovisual creators: The case of Oliva Acosta
Women, Equality, Audiovisual, Documentary, AndalusiaAbstract
Women have historically played a subordinate role in the audiovisual world, especially behind the camera. The shortage of female audiovisual creators is even more acute in Andalusia, a region traditionally far from the production centres of the Spanish industry. The Transition brought with it a gradual incorporation of women into the sector and proof of this is Oliva Acosta. The Cadiz-born filmmaker has developed her work from the early 1990s, when she began devising and directing documentaries for TVE, to the creation of her own production company, including Las constituyentes (2011), her most awarded feature film. Acosta has also been in charge of communications for Equality Affairs at the UN and is a member of AAMMA. Through a documentary review and an in-depth interview, this case study explores the historical relevance of her figure in Andalusian and Spanish audiovisuals, as well as her professional career, filmography and production routines. The results show a life and work deeply marked by social and gender perspectives, with special interest in the recovery of women's oral memory and the incorporation of women into technical and managerial positions in the audiovisual industry.
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