Female Journalistic Chronicles: impressions of an unstable daily life at the end of the Estado Novo
Chronicle, Portuguese women writers, Women, Journalism, FeminineAbstract
In the final years of the Estado Novo dictatorship, even with the prior censorship and other constraints, the periodical press played a relevant role in raising critical awareness, particularly in terms of raising awareness of the place and identity of women. Through a "corpus" of three books of chronicles written at that time by three writers (Maria Judite de Carvalho, Agustina Bessa-Luís and Maria Teresa Horta), we seek to develop a reflection around the problematisation of the issue of women, through the flexibility and openness of the genre of the chronicle, simultaneously journalistic and literary. Adopting different styles, the three writers make an appreciable contribution to this reflection on the feminine condition, a much-discussed issue at the time.
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