Scientific review process
Phase 1: Review of compliance with requirements. After receiving the article, the editorial committee of Comunicación. Revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Estudios Culturales makes a first evaluation to determine the thematic adequacy and interest of the proposal, as well as to ensure that the publication standards and the journal's code of ethics have been met; this process will take less than a month. It is worth mentioning that the editorial committee may make the decision to reject manuscripts received, without resorting to an external consultation process. This will occur if the committee considers that the manuscripts are inappropriate or do not meet the scientific and academic objectives of this journal.
Phase 2: External review and evaluation. In the event that the editorial committee decides that the article has met these criteria, it will undergo blind peer review. This process guarantees the anonymity of both the authors and the evaluators and consists of two external academic peers of national and/or international character who will issue an evaluation report following the guidelines set by the journal. The different verdicts can be:
* Approved without changes.
* Approved subject to minor changes and does not require re-evaluation.
* Approved subject to major changes and requires re-evaluation.
* Rejected, not publishable in the journal.
If the opinion of the two evaluations does not coincide regarding the publication decision, a third report will be requested. In order to achieve the greatest systematicity, rigor and transparency possible in the evaluation process, this journal has specific guidelines, as well as evaluation sheets that will be sent to reviewers. These guidelines focus on the interest of the proposal, the depth of the topic, the bibliographical sources used, the correct relationship between concepts and ideas, etc. Three months will be the maximum for this process.
Phase 3: Follow-up of adjustments. The reports issued by the reviewers will be sent to the authors so that they are aware of the reviewers' annotations and their recommendations for the improvement of the original, if any. Authors should make the changes, highlight them in the document and send the revised document within the time established by the journal. Then, this version of the manuscript must be sent through OJS along with the adjustment tracking form. The journal will verify compliance with the reviewers' suggestions and will analyze the justifications for those that have not been taken into account.
Phase 4: Editorial process and publication. Once the previous stage has been passed, the article will go through a process of style correction. If any element susceptible to change is found in the document, it will be returned to the author for its adjustment (changes in the content are not accepted, only the requested adjustments), then the article will be formatted and a PDF of it will be sent to the author for final review (for the correction only of typographical or editing errors, other changes are not accepted), for which, only the time stipulated by the journal is available, after this, the adjustments are made to finalize the publication.