Rules for reviewers

The journal Comunicación makes a selection of those persons it considers most qualified to carry out the most thorough review possible of the subject of the unpublished original that comes into its hands.  

The following are the basic criteria to be taken into account by the reviewers contacted: 

  1. Knowledge and experience in the subject in question: the person selected must be an expert in the subject of the manuscript, with publications of proven quality.
  2. Time availability: the journal establishes specific deadlines for carrying out the review, which must be respected by the reviewers. 
  3. Commitment to confidentiality: the reviewer must maintain the confidentiality of the content of the article throughout the entire process. He/she is not authorised to disseminate any information related to the article.


  • The user must register and authenticate in the system as a Reviewer.
  • On your desktop will be displayed all the titles of articles awaiting review, with brief information about the submission data, as well as archive articles, i.e. those that are already reviewed.
  • You must accept the request and send the acceptance email.
  • Consult the review instructions, configured by the manager.
  • Download the file for review, as well as the complementary files, if any.
  • Comments can be included for both the author and the editor.
  • Once the review has been carried out, you must notify that the review has been completed.
  • If desired, a revised or corrected version of the article can be uploaded, which will in turn be reviewed by the author. by the Author.
  • A review decision must be issued.
  • Once the decision has been selected, no further changes can be made

Publication of external reviewers

The journal publishes a complete list of the external reviewers who have participated in the evaluation of the texts in each published issue.