The use of Artificial Intelligence in the marketing, advertising, and branded content sector in Spain
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Inteligencia artificial
investigación Artificial intelligence

How to Cite

Asenjo-McCabe, S., & del Pino-Romero, C. (2024). The use of Artificial Intelligence in the marketing, advertising, and branded content sector in Spain. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 22(2), 82–102.
Received 2024-02-29
Accepted 2024-09-11
Published 2024-12-20
  • Abstract 19
  • PDF (Español (España)) 3


This research stems from an analysis of academic literature or scoping review (Codina, 2021) on Artificial Intelligence applied to marketing and advertising. Following this contextualization, a survey methodology was employed on an exploratory sample consisting of marketing, communication, and advertising professionals from Spain, yielding a total of 372 responses. The aim has been to explore the benefits of using AI in campaign optimization, to understand advertisers' perceptions of this reality, and thus, to identify the new challenges that this scenario implies, with the consequent anticipation of the universe of opportunities that AI entails. The results reveal the central role of AI in streamlining processes, its use in market research to identify trends and patterns, as well as new resources and time-saving in the advertising sector. In general conclusion, the research emphasizes the array of possibilities that are still to be explored, ranging from companies subscribing to paid AI tools, to these tools' consideration of ethical and moral implications, as well as the incorporation of human values and beliefs into algorithms. Ongoing research into how AI is used proves to be essential for maintaining the relevance and sustainability of the advertising company in this dynamic and digital environment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Susana Asenjo-McCabe, Cristina del Pino-Romero


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