Representational categories of black comedy in three films by Álex de la Iglesia
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cine español
humor negro
Comedia negra Black Comedy
Spanish cinema
black humor

How to Cite

Vásconez Merino, G., Carpio Arias, A., & Carpio Arias, N. (2023). Representational categories of black comedy in three films by Álex de la Iglesia. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 21(1), 115–134.
Received 2023-04-19
Accepted 2023-05-31
Published 2023-06-30
  • Abstract 360
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The black comedy film is a subgenre of comedy that is gaining more and more relevance among audiences. Álex de la Iglesia is a Spanish director, screenwriter and producer who works in this subgenre for the approach of his stories. The aim of this paper is to analyze three of his most relevant cinematographic works in order to identify representative themes of black comedy, obtained from the bibliographic exploration of the subgenre. For the exploration of the object of study, a qualitative approach has been proposed from the analytical-synthetic methodology, using the technique of content analysis. The study concludes that Álex de la Iglesia uses each of these categories in the three films, not so much as an aesthetic purpose, but to generate a critique of social and value systems, and to generate reflection on the issues raised, beyond what can be seen superficially.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Galo Vásconez Merino, Antonella Carpio Arias, Nicolás Carpio Arias


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