Attempts to construct a material history (of the media) in the second half of the twentieth century
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Historia de los medios
Teoría de los medios
Walter Benjamin
Materialismo histórico History of the Media
Theory of the Media
Walter Benjamin
Historical Materialism

How to Cite

Cornago, Óscar, & Verzero, L. (2022). Attempts to construct a material history (of the media) in the second half of the twentieth century. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(5), 67–92.
  • Abstract 63
  • PDF (Español (España)) 19


This articles explores the possibilities of a kind of “materialism history” of the media in the second half of XX century. After an analyse of Walter Benjamin´s theory, specially the concept of “dialectic image” as a key of his critical discourse, two series of images related two different media, television and theater, are proposed. In both cases the material contrasts are analyzed, which allow to wake up not only from the historical myths which wrap them, but also their media discourse.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Óscar Cornago, Lorena Verzero


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