Protocol rules in the context of the Andalusian Regional Government: rules of precedence and treatment
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Comunicación No Verbal
Imagen Pública del Estado
Junta de Andalucía Protocol
Non Verbal Communication
Image of Nations
Authonomic Gouvernement of Andalusia

How to Cite

Otero Alvarado, M. T. (2022). Protocol rules in the context of the Andalusian Regional Government: rules of precedence and treatment. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(3), 187–206.
  • Abstract 56
  • PDF (Español (España)) 359


The public presence of the State is articulated in the democratically advanced societies from the norms of protocol in vigor, consensuated and approved from the constitutional, and responsible of the fidelity in the nonverbal communication of the national identities, principles. The autonomic administrations and the central one´s legislative competitions to order their public appearances in their official acts have been recognized, and in that frame Decree 77/2002 registers, of 26 of February, by that it regulates the regime of precedences and treatments in the scope of the Authonomic Government of Andalusia, object of this article. The Andalusian protocolic norm reflects the structure of powers that the Andalusians have granted to themselves in the Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy and indicates the codes that are to be applied for a correct perception of image on the part of all the citizens in the public appearances of their representatives and administrators. We come to review in these lines the antecedents and the characteristics of this decree, establishing a comparative analysis with the state norm and indicating the main points of conflict, successes and failures that it presents.
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LÓPEZ-NIETO Y MALLO, F., (1985): Honores y Protocolo, Madrid, El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos y de los Juzgados.

MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES-LOUIS DE SECONDAT, (2002): El espíritu de las leyes, 5ª ed., Madrid, Tecnos.

OTERO ALVARADO, M.T., (2000): Teoría y estructura del ceremonial y el protocolo, Sevilla, Mergablum.

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA, (2001): Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 21ª ed., Madrid, Espasa Calpe.

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Copyright (c) 2005 Mª Teresa Otero Alvarado


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