Between the law and desire: the problematic dichotomy of gender roles in Vicente Aranda’s Lovers
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estudios de género
representación fílmica
ideología gender studies

How to Cite

Guillamón Carrasco , S. (2022). Between the law and desire: the problematic dichotomy of gender roles in Vicente Aranda’s Lovers. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(12), 38–51.
  • Abstract 137
  • PDF (Español (España)) 81


The aim of this article is to analyze the representation of the feminine roles in Amantes (Vicente Aranda, 1991). The two feminine stereotypes in the film, based on the classic dichotomy of virgin/sexualized woman, are closely related to the classic genres that identify them: the melodrama and the film noir. Our reading of the movie shows how this dichotomy presents fissures and contradictions which question the apparent stability and consistency of stereotypes, marked by to the discursive ambivalence ensuing the inclusion of Hollywood models in a film set in the Spanish post-war.
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