Katana, bishonen and historical revisionism.
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Tōken Ranbu
crítica de autenticidad
Shinsengumi Tōken Ranbu
historical review

How to Cite

Bonillo Fernández, C. (2022). Katana, bishonen and historical revisionism.: Chronicles of the past og the anime Katsugeki/Token Ranbu. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 20(2), 62–75. https://doi.org/10.12795/Comunicacion.2022.v20.i02.04
Received 2022-05-26
Accepted 2022-09-12
Published 2022-12-31
  • Abstract 189
  • PDF (Español (España)) 81


What were once katana exhibitions aimed at the knowledgeable few have become massive events filled with colourful anime cardboard cut-outs and merchandising of all kinds. This is largely due to the influence of the online video game Tōken Ranbu, starring anthropomorphic versions of Japanese weapons and one of today's most relevant transmedia franchises. We believe that the Tōken Ranbu series' fruitful relationship with the Japanese past, as it has made historical characters its hallmark, the scope and variety of the cast of its animated adaptation, and its ability to link its History with the present, provide the basis for analysing the veracity of the depiction of these legendary weapons to determine whether it is a good way for viewers to get closer to Japanese culture through these deadly works of art.

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