Populism 2.0 in the Spanish public sphere through Twitter


discurso político
redes sociales
Twitter populism
political discourse
social media

How to Cite

Arroyo-Almaraz, I., Del Pino Ortega, F., & Vicente-Fernández, P. (2023). Populism 2.0 in the Spanish public sphere through Twitter. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 21(1), 96–114. https://doi.org/10.12795/Comunicacion.2023.v21.i01.06
Received 2023-04-25
Accepted 2023-06-19
Published 2023-06-30
  • Abstract 177
  • PDF 99
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The rise of right-wing populism raises growing concern about the health of representative democracies. In Spain, the emergence of VOX on the political scene has meant the end of Spanish exceptionalism, in addition to conditioning the political and media agenda as well as forcing other political parties to reconsider their strategies. Nowadays, social media occupy a central place in social and political life. Populism has been fuelled by the proliferation of social media such as Twitter, which brings together on the same platform the protagonists of the political debate and spreads messages in a fragmented way and out of the media’s control. This study aims to understand Santiago Abascal’s discursive strategy through a qualitative and quantitative discourse analysis of his posts on Twitter as VOX’s leader during a decisive period for the party. The results indicate how his discourse focuses on building a populist political party that, in addition to basing its appeal on identifying threats and enemies, projects a heroic image of the party through the exaltation of victimization and the proclamation of its achievements using ideological terminology and collective imagination. The study confirms the importance of sentimental and emotional discourse and the role of the party leader in political communications.



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