The universe of the image or the new foundations of the social
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contrato social
crisis de los relatos
medios de comunicación de masas
imagen communication
social contract
crisis of the stories
mass media

How to Cite

Lasso de la Vega González, . C. (2022). The universe of the image or the new foundations of the social. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(3), 221–233.
  • Abstract 38
  • PDF (Español (España)) 9


Social contract acted like base of generation of democratic societies, wich, through the applied science, they developed mass media that gradually have left its work mediator to transform it into controlator. This change has supposed, among other things, new organization forms and social interaction, even tunneling that first foundation of contract that is substituted now by contact, opening the way to emergency of universe of image, explain like simplification of reality and necessity of appearing to be a truly social entity.
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Copyright (c) 2005 Carmen Lasso de la Vega González


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