Innovation and creativity and the Spanish White Paper on Communication Degrees: adapting universities to a changing media landscape
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Innovation Journalism
Design Thinking
Creation Nets innovation
Innovation Journalism
Design Thinking
Creation Nets

How to Cite

Zuberogoitia Espilla, A., Arana Arrieta , G., & Egaña Osa , T. (2022). Innovation and creativity and the Spanish White Paper on Communication Degrees: adapting universities to a changing media landscape. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(12), 114–130.
  • Abstract 142
  • PDF (Español (España)) 36


Many universities are trying to adapt their curricula to the changing media landscape. Innovation and creativity are considered key concepts in this new context, as can be shown by the Innovation Journalism initiative developed at Stanford University and some other that can be used to promote both innovation and creativity in Media Studies (such as Design Thinking and Creation Nets). In addition to reporting on these trends, this paper describes how the official Spanish White Paper on Communication Degreees deals with both innovation and creativity, analyzing the presence of these two concepts in the curricula proposed within it.
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