Literature and Cultural Heritage in Primary Education through open educational resources and universal design for learning




The 21st century has brought real challenges to teaching approaches, and even more so in subjects such as Spanish Language and Literature. With the implementation of the LOMLOE, the importance of a new model of education that, taking as a framework the Agenda 2030 proposed by the UN, is increasingly more competence-centered and digitized, becomes evident. In this sense, working through Learning Situations is encouraged. Another relevant factor, which emerges from the LOMLOE (2020), is to favor a Universal Design for Learning (UDL), so that learning is more inclusive, multilevel and multimodal. This educational approach is very promising for working with literature and cultural heritage. In this context, we propose to work on the work of Bécquer and the cultural heritage of Seville based on what the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Andalusian Regional Government calls an Open Educational Resource (REA), terminology that is part of the REA/DUA project. In this way, didactic resources open to the whole educational community are proposed and adapted to the new pedagogical challenges of the subject of Spanish Language and Literature for 5th grade in Primary School.


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Author Biography

Santiago Sevilla-Vallejo, Universidad de Salamanca

Profesor Contratado Doctor en la Universidad de Salamanca. Ha sido secretario de la Federación de Asociaciones de Profesores de Español y es director de la revista Cálamo FASPE. Dirige el Congreso Internacional Las Desconocidas. Estudios sobre la construcción de la identidad femenina en la literatura. Premio al mejor ensayo de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2021). Ha sido finalista del III y del IV Premio Educa Abanca. Mejor Docente de España, en la categoría Universidad; y del premio de investigación de la Primera edición del Congreso Internacional de Escritores y Artistas; y del International Research Awards on Psychiatry and Mental Health (2021) en la categoría Research award. Su línea de investigación se centra en el estudio de la relación entre la construcción de la identidad y la elaboración del discurso aplicado a: las competencias comunicativas (especialmente la lectura y la escritura) y estudios literarios desde la teoría de la narratología, el psicoanálisis y el género.



How to Cite

Sevilla-Vallejo, S., & Rosa Rivero, Álvaro . (2024). Literature and Cultural Heritage in Primary Education through open educational resources and universal design for learning. CAUCE. Revista Internacional De Filología, Comunicación Y Sus Didácticas, 46(1), 199–225.
Received 2023-03-23
Accepted 2024-09-19
Published 2024-12-19
  • Abstract 27
  • Cauce 46 Sevilla y Rosa (Español (España)) 11