Afro-Hispanic contact varieties as conventionalized advanced second languages


  • Sandro Sessarego University of Winsconsin

Palabras clave:

Afro-Hispanic dialects, microparametric syntax, Minimalist Constructionism


This article focuses on some linguistic aspects of Afro-Hispanic contact varieties that have traditionally been ascribed to their supposed creole origin. Conversely, the present analysis suggests that such linguistic features can be accounted for as the result of conventionalized advanced SLA strategies (Plag 2008a; Siegel 2008), which do not necessarily imply any previous creole stage. The theoretical framework adopted here is the one provided by the Minimalist Constructionism, which assumes that SLA is driv- en by UG through a path of “possible grammars” (Herschensohn 2000). In particular, the features under analysis are seen as possible L2 instantiations of UG, which crys- tallized under the form of L1 structures in the grammars of the following generations of speakers. In addition, this paper provides a reflection on the nature of these contact dialects and their contribution to the study of syntax and SLA from a microparametric perspective (Kayne 1996). 


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Cómo citar

Sessarego, S. (2014). Afro-Hispanic contact varieties as conventionalized advanced second languages. IBERIA: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 5(1), 99–125. Recuperado a partir de



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