Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
Instructions for authors of articles
Editorial policy
IBERIA is concerned with all branches of theoretical linguistics. Preference is given to articles which make a substantial contribution to current debate in Generative Grammar. The language of submission and publication is English, although the abstracts of papers accepted for publication will also appear in Spanish and Portuguese. These translations will be carried out by the editors.
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Following publication, authors will receive a PDF file with their contribution.
Please follow the guidelines below in the preparation of your manuscript. All the guidelines incorporate advice from IBERIA’s editors.
With minor exceptions, IBERIA’s style for References follows the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals (; see below, though). IBERIA welcomes submissions in PDF, though the final version should be sent in a DOC file.
Contact details
General correspondence (including general enquiries and queries concerning article formatting and style) and offers to contribute to the articles should be sent to one or all of the editors:
Dr Ángel Jiménez
Chief Editor, IBERIA
Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua Inglesa)
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de Sevilla
C/ Palos dela Fronteras/n
41004 Sevilla, Spain
Dr Pilar Barbosa
Editor, IBERIA
Departamento de Estudos Portugueses
Instituto de Letras e Ciencias Humanas
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Dr Victoria Camacho
Editor, IBERIA
Departamento de Lengua Española, Teoría dela Literaturay Lingüística General
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de Sevilla
C/ Palos dela Fronteras/n
Submitting a paper for consideration for publication in IBERIA
Contributors should log in as Authors on our platform <> and follow the submission instructions that they will find there. All papers will be read by two anonymous referees. The paper must include (i) the full title of the paper; (ii) an abstract (in English) of up to 200 words summarising the content of the paper; (iii) keywords.
For the purpose of refereeing, an article should be anonymous. This means that the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) should not be included in the file and that, as far as possible, the author(s) should not be identifiable from the references in the text and the acknowledgements. If reference is made to previous research, the author should be referred to as Author (not as his/her real surname). The file itself should not reveal the author’s identity through the information that may be present in the file’s ‘Properties’ (to be found under the ‘File’ tab in MS Word and in Acrobat) accessed from within the file.
Submitting a paper for publication in IBERIA
1. PAGINATION AND ORGANISATION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. Insert page number in the top right corner of every page, except on the first page of each paper. Number continuously throughout the title page, abstract, article’s main text, references, and – if applicable – footnotes (i.e. endnotes should be avoided). The various components of the manuscript are to follow in the order just given, except for an appendix, which should immediately precede the references.
The title page should include the title of the article. Author’s name and affiliation will be included by our layout editors. An acknowledgements footnote should be marked with a superscript ‘1’ – not an asterisk – at the end of the title. The rest of the page will be used as the starting point of the article.
2. SPACING AND MARGINS. Double-space throughout. Leave 3cm/1.5" margins on all four sides of all the pages. Except for the first paragraph of a new section or subsection, the first line of every new paragraph is indented. Please do not add any extra line spacing between paragraphs.
3. ABSTRACT. Abstracts will appear just after the title section of the article.
4. SECTION AND SUBSECTION HEADINGS. These should be typed on separate lines, in bold face, numbered and punctuated exactly as in the following example:
1. Subject islands
1.1. Conditions on subject islands
1.1.1. The discourse-based nature of subject islands
5. STYLE. Abbreviations are to be kept to an absolute minimum and clearly introduced at first occurrence. If abbreviations of less commonly-known technical terms are used extensively in an article, they should be set out clearly in a footnote. Natural data sources (from Old English texts, contemporary novels, journals, etc.) should be clearly identified.
Non-native speakers of English are highly encouraged to have their final draft checked by a native speaker of English.
6. SPELLING. Either British English or US English conventions for spelling and expression should be followed consistently.
7. QUOTATIONS. Quotations of under 25 words should be included in single quotation marks in the running text. Any punctuation normally FOLLOWS the closing quotation mark. Longer quotations should be set out as a separate paragraph (or paragraphs) on a new line, indented at the left margin throughout, without any quotation marks and with no extra indent on the first line. The source work and page number must be given for all the quotations. Please check thoroughly against the source the accuracy of the quoted text in the manuscript (wording, punctuation, capitalisation, emphasis) and the page number(s) from which the quotation is taken. If contributors change anything in the original quotation, for instance for reasons of emphasis, please specify that in parentheses. An example follows, taken from Haegeman (2007: 281):
According to Rizzi, fronted constituents in Romance CLITIC LEFT DISLOCATION (CLLD) patterns are also located in TopP. The link between the fronted constituent in TopP and its argument position in the IP domain is established via the clitic in the IP domain. (author’s emphasis)
8. SHORT REFERENCES IN TEXT. As is shown below, variants of the author-date-page format are used for literature citations depending on the context of the sentence. With more than one work listed, works are ordered chronologically, not alphabetically, unless two or more works by different authors have the same year of publication. In case two or more works by a single author are mentioned with the same year of publication, letters will be included to distinguish the works.
… as stated in Rizzi (2001), Gallego & Uriagereka (2007), Boeckx (2008), Chomsky (2008), …
... (for a different view see Lambova 2001: 343-348, İsşever 2008: 238, fn. 2) ...
... these properties suggest that ‘paths to multiple specifiers ought to cross, rather than nest …’ (Richards 1999: 134).
Please note: (i) the ampersand (&) immediately preceding the surname of the second (or last) co-author; (ii) a space between the colon and the page number; (iii) a ‘long hyphen’ (en-rule) between page numbers; (iv) non-elliptical page number spans; (v) NO comma between author’s name and year; (vi) punctuation follows the quotation mark and the quotation source details.
9. FOOTNOTES. All material which is to appear as footnotes should be presented at the bottom of relevant manuscript pages. They should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively, starting from number 1, even if the first footnote contains acknowledgements only. As far as possible, the number and the length of footnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum.
10. NUMBERED EXAMPLES. Include all the example numbers and any letters identifying sub-examples in separate parentheses, and align as is shown below, using small word-processor tabs. Example numbering begins at the left margin, adding a 1cm indent.
In the article text, examples should be referred to as (4a), (5b, c), (6b–e), (7)–(9) (NOT: (4)a, (5b) and (5c), (6)b–e, (7–9)). Examples in footnotes should be numbered with small roman numerals, also in parentheses, i.e. (i), (ii), etc.
11. EXAMPLES FROM LANGUAGES OTHER THAN MODERN ENGLISH. Sentences, phrases and words in languages other than modern English which are set out as numbered examples are followed by a line of word-for-word (or morpheme-for-morpheme) gloss and a line of literary translation, all double-spaced. Glosses are fully aligned with the appropriate words or morphemes of the original. The translation is included in single quotation marks and sentence-final punctuation is within the quotation marks. All the text in numbered examples is in roman type but if a part of a numbered example is to be highlighted, it is set in bold. Linguistic category labels appearing in the gloss are in SMALL CAPITALS. The following illustrates:
(3) (a) Smoking seriously damages your health. (NOT:4 a., (4) a., etc.)
(b) *Smoking damages seriously your health.
(4) i angeliki kateθese ti ðiplomatiki sto tmima
the Angela-NOM submit-PAST.3SG the thesis-ACC to-the department-ACC
tin pempti
the Thursday-ACC
‘Angela submitted her thesis in the Department on Thursday.’
A translation or a gloss of a non-modern-English example in the running text immediately follows the example at its first occurrence and is enclosed in single quotes;, e.g. mi casa ‘my house’.
12. REFERENCES. The style is that of the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals (cf. with the exception that (i) all page numbers are preceded by a comma – i.e. there is a comma rather than a full-stop after journal/proceedings volume number and page numbers, and (ii) dissertation entries specify the university and place of publication when it differs from the university’s name.
All and only works mentioned in the text and footnotes must be included in the references at the end of the article. Authors should check carefully that this is the case, and that the authors and dates cited match the names and the dates in the references, that the page numbers of all the articles in journals and books are correctly supplied, and that the list is in strict alphabetic order and formatted according to the specification below.
References start immediately after the main body of the text. The heading REFERENCES is in capitals and centred, and not in bold. The list is double-spaced throughout. There are no lines or blank spaces for repeated names of authors – the names are always typed as in the first entry. It is the Journal’s preferred format that THE FIRST NAMES OF ALL THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS ARE GIVEN IN FULL. Note that the full first name follows the surname only at the beginning of a new entry. A full-stop separates author name(s) and the year of the publication. If an entry is longer than one line, the second and subsequent lines are indented. In the case of joint authors or editors use the ampersand (&), not the word ‘and’. Please note also a ‘long hyphen’ in non-elliptical number spans (i.e. 1985–1991, 134–162; NOT: 1985-91, 134–62, 134–62). Abbreviations are to be avoided in the case of journal titles (e.g. Linguistic Inquiry, NOT: LI) but citations from conference proceedings include the meeting’s or the society’s acronym.US state names are given using the standard two-letter abbreviation, e.g. MA (NOT Mass.) Examples follow:
Boeckx, Cedric. 2007. Understanding Minimalist Syntax: Lessons from Locality in Long-Distance Dependencies. Oxford: Blackwell.
Freidin, Robert, Carlos Otero & M. Luisa Zubizarreta (eds.). 2008. Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory.Cambridge,MA: MIT Press.
Belletti, Adriana (ed.). 2004. Structures and Beyond - The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, vol. 3.New York andOxford:OxfordUniversity Press.
Webelhuth, Gert (ed.). 1995. Government and binding theory and the minimalist program: Principles and parameters in syntactic theory (Generative Syntax).Oxford: Blackwell.
Articles in edited volumes, conference proceedings and working papers
If more than one article is cited from a single edited volume, a short reference to the volume appears in the article entries (as in the example below) and the full details of the volume appear in a separate entry.
Bailyn, John. 2003. Does Russian scrambling exist?. In Karimi (ed.), 156-176.
Otherwise, full details are included in the article entry:
Kornfilt, Jaklin. 2005. Asymmetries between pre-verbal and post-verbal scrambling in Turkish. In Joachim Sabel & Mamoru Saito (eds.), The Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and Diversity. 163-179.Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Ishihara, Shinichiro. 2000. Stress, focus, and scrambling in Japanese, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 39, 142-175.
Ortega-Santos, Iván. 2006. On new information focus, sentence stress assignment conditions and the copy theory: a Spanish conspiracy, University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 14, 188-212.
Brody, Michael. 1990. Some remarks in the Focus field in Hungarian, UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 201-226.
Heusinger, Klaus von & Jaklin Kornfilt (2005) The case of the direct object in Turkish: Semantics, syntax and morphology, Turkic Languages 9, 3-44.
Jang, Youngjun. 2002. Small clauses and default case, Language, Information, and Computation: Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Asia Conference, 123-134.
Articles in journals
Park, Bum-Sik. 2006. Superiority and focus movement, Studies in Generative Grammar 16 (4), 773-783.
Belletti, Adriana & Luigi Rizzi. 1981. The syntax of ne: Some theoretical implications, The Linguistic Review 1, 117-154.
Demonte, Violeta & Olga Fernández-Soriano. 2009. Force and Finiteness in the Spanish Complementizer System, Probus 21 (1), 23-49.
Online papers, dissertations and other kinds of publication
Sigurðsson, Halldór Ármann. 2009. Minimalist C/ case.
<> [date of last consultation]
Ura, Hiroyuki (1996). Multiple feature-checking: A theory of grammatical function splitting. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT.
Chomsky, Noam. 2006. Approaching UG from below. Ms., MIT.
Tables, figures and drawings should be referred to in the main text and numbered consecutively. They should be incorporated in the text at their desired locations. If your paper makes use of non-Western alphabets in examples, the relevant fonts should be made available to the editors. If you are unsure about compatibility questions regarding any of the issues mentioned in this section, please contact the editors before submitting the final version.
14. TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS. Please use Times/Times Roman size 12pt font throughout the manuscript. Special typefaces are used as follows:
small capitals are used in abbreviations, either technical terms or grammatical labels such as ACC, PAST, SG, etc.
(i) language material in the running text
(ii) foreign words
(iii) subsection headings
(iv) titles of books and journals
(v) headings in numbered examples (if applicable)
(i) article title
(ii) emphasis in numbered examples
‘Single quotation marks’
(i) terms used in a semi-technical sense or terms whose validity is questioned
(ii) meanings of words and sentences
(iii) quotations and ‘direct speech’
“Double quotation marks” – quotations within quotations only.
& (ampersand) is used instead of the word and before the second/last surname of a co-author or co-editor in references as well as in the main text.
A ‘long hyphen’ (en-rule –) is used
(i) to mark a ‘dash’ – it is then preceded and followed by a space – and
(ii) to mark number spans, such as in page numbers (e.g. 123–154) in the main text as well as in References
A short hyphen (-) is used to divide a word into their different component (morphemes), as in the following Turkish example:
Ali kitab-ı buraya sabah bırak-tı.
Ali book-ACC here morning put-PST
Copyright Notice
Las ediciones impresa y electrónica de esta Revista son editadas por el Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, siendo necesario citar la procedencia en cualquier reproducción parcial o total.Salvo indicación contraria, todos los contenidos de la edición electrónica se distribuyen bajo una licencia de uso y distribución “Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional”