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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • The text follows the Author Guidelines.

Guidelines for authors

1. Contributions submitted to Futhark must be original and should not have been submitted to other publications.
2. Articles should not exceed 20 pages and 5 pages in case of books or research works reviews and congress or scientific meetings summaries.
3. The Editorial Board could recommend to the author/s corrections and
considerations in order to improve the submitted work, according to the
double-blind peer review reports.
4. The author/s will be responsible for the authenticity and the contents of the
5. The deadline for the submission of articles is the 30th July.

1. Contributions will include an abstract written in the working language of the paper and in English, as well as five keywords in both languages and the title of the work in English. Contributions could be written in any European language.
2. Page configuration: top and bottom margins, 6,2 cms.; right and left margins, 4,5 cms.; headline and footnotes: 5,2 cms.
3. Articles will be written in Gill Sans MT (10). Each paragraph will start with 1 cm. of indentation. Citations out of the main text will be written in 9, left and right indented in 1 cm. Footnotes will be in 8 and continuously enumerated. Endnotes are not admitted.
4. The title of the contribution will be in 14, bold and centre aligned. If the work is not written in English, title should be also written in the working language of the document. After the title, the name of the author/s must be included in 10, left-aligned and in capital letters. And immediately after, the institution or University of the author/s. Finally, under this information, the author/s should provide a contact email address.
5. Headings will be written in bold, and subheadings in italics. (Example: 1. Heading, 1.1. Subheading)
6. Linespacing will be single in the whole document. Spaces between paragraphs, between headings and subheadings and when starting a paragraph are not allowed. There will be a line space between the end of a paragraph and a heading or subheading.
7. References will be included in parentheses next to the quoted text (Example: (Merck 2000: 115-120)). If the surname of the author has been previously mentioned, then: (2000: 178).
8. Bibliography will be referred at the end of the document following these norms:
9.1. Books:
SURNAME [IN CAPITAL LETTERS], Initial. (year). Title of thebook. City or town: Publisher (Ex.: MAYORAL, R. (2001). Aspectos epistemológicos de la traducción. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I D.L.).
9.2. Chapter in a book:
SURNAME, Initial. (year). Title of the paper or the chapter. En: Surname, Initial (ed.). Title of the publication. City or town: publisher, initial page-final page (Ex.: Larrinaga, A. (2010). El inicio de unanueva era en la traducción audiovisual y el doblaje en Euskera. En: Montero, X. (ed.), Traducción para a dobraxe en Galicia, País Vasco e Cataluña. Experiencias investigadoras e profesionais. Vigo: Servizo de publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 35-49).
9.3. Scientific paper:
SURNAME, Initial. (year). “Title of the paper”. Title of the journal or review n. o (dossier), initial page-final page (Ex.: TODA, F. (2005). “ Subtitulado y doblaje: traducción especial(izada)”. Quaderns. Revista de traducció, 12, 119- 132).
9.4. Electronic document:
SURNAME, Initial. (Date) Title. Available in Web: <URL> [date of access]. (Ex.: CARROLL, L. (15th March 1995). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland <>. [last access 1st August 2015)
10. Contributions will be sent in an electronic document, in a common use editable format. An attached electronic file will include all the information referred to the author/s. These documents could be sent by email to
10. Pictures and figures must be copyright free and inserted in the document.
11. The Editorial Board of Futhark will not resend the original documents in
case of non-acceptance of the contribution.
12. The Editorial Board will include in a personal datafile all the information related to the authors and their institutions, as well as their emails addresses, with the only purpose of scientific divulgation. Sending a contribution to Futhark according to the previous publication norms will imply the expressed and free consent of the authors for the use of the said personal data in the framework of Futhark.


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