Athens/Sparta bipolarity in Xenophon’s Hellenika

Helénicas de Jenofonte, Grecia, siglo IV a.C., balance de poder


  • Cinzia Bearzot Università Cattolica di Sacro Cuore di Milano


Parole chiave:

Xenophon’s Hellenika, Greece, Fourth-century BC, balance of power


The article traces the reflections found in the Hellenika on the theme of Athens/Sparta bipolarity, with the intention of illustrating Xenophon's interest in this international arrangement of the Greek world and of emphasizing its repercussions in Xenophon’s historiographical project.


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Come citare

Bearzot, C. (2024). Athens/Sparta bipolarity in Xenophon’s Hellenika: Helénicas de Jenofonte, Grecia, siglo IV a.C., balance de poder. Araucaria, 26(57).
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