Submission Guidelines

  1. ARAUCARIA is a four-monthly multidisciplinary journal, open access since 2020, which publishes only original and unpublished articles; the publication dates are the end of April, the end of August and the end of December of each year, although it may always appear in advance. It is published in two formats, printed and digital, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, and is structured in five fixed sections in two of the issues: I. THE IDEAS. THEIR POLITICS AND HISTORY; II. MONOGRAPHS; III. PROFILES / SEMBLANZAS; IV. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS; V. DOCUMENTS. The third issue will have a free structure. Its organs are the Director, the Deputy Directors, the Secretary, the Editorial Board and the International Scientific Committee. The members of the Editorial Committee will be appointed from among them.

The monographic section may be divided into two or three clearly separated subsections, to the point of actually constituting two or three monographs: one devoted to relevant authors in the history of thought and the other to the analysis of problems of interest to the Ibero-American community and international society. The third monographic section, when there is one, may be of either genre.

  1. The orientation of the special issue will be fundamentally monographic, although it may eventually incorporate some other section if the Editorial Committee so decides; authors will participate by invitation, but also - given that the topics will be published on our web page - authors who wish to publish their work in these issues may eventually have access to them.

All authors, invited or not, will send their texts through the OJS platform and will be evaluated by peers and admitted or not by the coordinators, who will be previously consulted by the Editorial Committee about their inclusion in the issue. Any article positively evaluated by two evaluators will be published in the journal; if the coordinators reject it, it will be published in another section. The Editorial Committee will only intervene in exceptional cases.

In all other respects, and from 2023 onwards - outreach, submission, evaluation, review, etc. - the free issue will not differ from those with a fixed structure, except for the greater weight of the coordinators throughout the process of composing the issue.

  1. The length of articles shall be approximately 60,000 characters, including spaces, in the first three sections of the Journal, and 20,000 in the fourth, except in the case of a debate, in which case the maximum length shall be 30,000; the length of the last section shall be variable. Exceptions will be authorised only very occasionally.
  2. All articles must be submitted through the OJS platform, which requires prior registration on the Journal's website as an author (and, if desired, the author may also register as a reviewer and/or reader), and must be accompanied by an abstract in Portuguese or Spanish and English (and the title in English when not written in that language). The abstract will consist of between 100 and 150 words in each language together with a list of between 4 and 8 keywords, also in both languages. The text, written in Word, should be sent in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single-spaced, with full justification. The articles that make up each monograph must be sent to the coordinator(s) of the monograph, who will decide whether they will form part of the monograph or whether they will be rejected. Once this phase has been completed, they will be sent to the aforementioned platform.

    Bibliographic essays will follow the same process as articles, except that the abstract will be in the language in which it is written only and may consist of the first paragraph of the essay.

  3. The articles submitted will be anonymous, and will not contain any information that allows the author to be identified; they will be evaluated by anonymous reviewers -also registered on the platform-, according to the "double blind" formula, but only with regard to the first and third sections, where the anonymous reviewers will be mainly external.

    The articles that make up the monographs may also be evaluated by the corresponding coordinator or coordinators, who will always be recognised specialists in the field; or according to the formula indicated in the previous paragraph, or, as a last resort, by the Editorial Committee. Or by a mixed system of two or all three of the above formulas. The suitability for publication of the "Bibliographical Essays" and "Papers" received or requested will be determined by internal evaluators.

  4. The Editorial Committee will also be the body that determines which articles received will be submitted for evaluation and which will be rejected, and the one that decides, in its final supervision of the number, whether an article evaluated positively by the two mandatory evaluators, or approved by the person coordinating a monographic, published or not. When said article contains an unacceptable number of spelling errors inappropriate for a research paper, fails to comply with the journal's publication standards, or lacks the quality required in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, the article will be rejected and its decision will be final.
  5. Each article in the first and third sections will be evaluated by two reviewers, and its publication will require that both judgements are favourable to the article. If only one reviewer judges the article negatively, it will be rejected. A third opinion will be required only in the event that the Editorial Committee judges the rejection of the article to be insufficiently founded. The author will be informed in all cases of the results of the evaluations of his or her text.
  6. The publication of an article, in addition to the two favourable opinions, will also require the author to revise his text in accordance with the possible criticisms formulated by one or both reviewers; or, if he considers them inadequate, to give a reasoned explanation for his refusal to do so. In this case, the Editorial Committee will assess the criticisms formulated in the evaluation process and the objections raised by the author, and will judge accordingly whether or not to publish the text. In the event that an article received for the first section is included in a monograph, the arbitration of the article will follow one or other of the two aforementioned procedures.
  7. Each published article shall state the date of receipt and acceptance. When, due to the accumulation of originals, more than two years may elapse between the receipt of an article and its publication, the author's consent will be requested.
  8. Under no circumstances will it be accepted that, in the first three sections, the same author may publish more than one article per issue, nor that, having published in any of them, he/she may also publish in any of the last two; but it will be accepted that, under certain circumstances, he/she may publish two articles in two consecutive or alternate issues. However, the Editorial Committee will ensure that, as a general rule, the author does not publish again until at least four issues later. The rule will also apply to issues with a free structure.

No more than two articles by authors belonging to the same institution may be published in the first, second and fourth sections, and no more than three in any issue; however, if an article is signed by two authors belonging to the same institution, it will count as one. As far as it is concerned, the free number will also be affected by this rule: no more than three members of the same institution may publish in any issue, and three only when it is composed of twenty or more texts.

  1. Authors will include with their article an author sheet in which they will insert their e-mail address, ORCID, institutional affiliation, academic background, a brief bio-bibliographical note indicating positions held or awards received and about three publications of their choice. This form will also include other metadata, such as the title, abstract and keywords of the article and the final bibliography.

It is also compulsory to fill in the Declaration of authorship, good practices and transfer of rights; the form is provided directly by the system during the article submission process.

  1. ARAUCARIA, being a multidisciplinary journal, accepts different citation systems.
  2. a. If the traditional system of footnotes is adopted, it shall be cited according to the following model:

Books: Antonio Rivera García, Republicanismo calvinista, Murcia, Res Publica, 1999, p. 163.

Book chapters: Pedro Castro Martínez, "Canada: el fin de la era Mulroney" [in Gustavo Ernesto Emmerich, coord.: Procesos políticos en las Américas, Mexico, UAM, 1996], p. 123.

Articles: Luis Rossi, "Notas sobre la actual idea de nación en Argentina" in Araucaria. Revista de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades, 1 (1999), pp. 173-175.

12, b. If the abbreviated system is adopted, the pattern of citations in the body of the text and in the footnotes shall be as follows:

(Gauchet 1998: 84, n. 2)

Gauchet 1998: M. Gauchet, La réligion dans la démocratie (Paris, 1998).

(McMahon 2001: 78)

McMahon 2001: D. M. McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment (Oxford, 2001).

Whichever system is adopted, a general bibliographical list will be included at the end of the text, arranged in alphabetical order. In the case of an author with several works, the order will be chronological.

  1. Quotations in the body of the text should be in inverted commas, but not in italics; those highlighted in the body of the text should be in 11 pt, in a separate paragraph and indented.
  2. If the word to which the footnote number is juxtaposed is followed by a punctuation mark, the number shall always precede the punctuation mark.

E.g.: (...) a unitary9 sphere of decision-making and justice.

  1. If a phrase in inverted commas is followed by a punctuation mark, the punctuation mark is placed after the inverted commas.

E.g.: "(...) and the second to form a new one"10.

  1. Notes should be in Times New Roman 10 pt. font, single spaced, not indented and fully justified.
  2. Articles written in English or Portuguese will retain in each case the characteristics of each language; the exception will be the small caps typeface, the use of which will not be accepted in any case: body text, quotations or bibliographical references.
  3. Tables should be numbered with a consecutive series of Roman numerals and graphs with a consecutive series of Arabic numerals. Each table or graph should be sent on a separate page, with its corresponding title and indication of its position in the text; if it is not possible to insert them in the text, the editors will place them at the end.
  4. ARAUCARIA will not charge authors any submission or submission fees, nor will it charge publication fees.
  5. ARAUCARIA is committed to the academic community in guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles published. The journal follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practices for editors of scientific journals defined by the COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS ETHICS (COPE), ensuring the quality of what is published, protecting and respecting the content of the articles and their integrity. The ARAUCARIA Editorial Committee undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary. Any article generated through malpractice will be removed from the website and its author will be sanctioned in perpetuity without publication in the journal.
  6. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and texts identified as plagiarism or fraudulent in content will not be published or will be removed. The journal will act as quickly as possible in such cases. The journal ARAUCARIA is subject to the anti-plagiarism policy of the Editorial Universidad de Sevilla and makes use of the "Turnitin" software for detecting copied text, licensed for this purpose by the central services of the University Library.
  7. Any article that fails to comply with any of these rules will be rejected. The journal will inform the author of such rejection.